Saturday 14 September 2013

5 Free Ways To Draw Visitors To Your Website

Drawing traffic to the website is viewed as herculean task to most of the small and medium enterprise. Primary strategy of any marketer would be to draw as many viewers to his website.  78% of chief marketing officers think custom content is the future of marketing (Hanley-Wood Business Media). Insightful product information is continued to make viewers to engage and convert to leads. Here are the tips to draw authentic crowd to your site which pay long term results.
Content creation is the symbol of authenticity. B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads per month than those who do not blog. (Social Media B2BGreat content is current, talks about the issues and the solutions, amplify firm’s competency and above all it is a great weapon to get introduced to a client.
The advantage of content creation is that it eases the relationship building, check-ins, gather feedback, new customer requirements, referral selling and importantly lead generation. Always contextualize the content. 70% of consumers prefer getting to know a company via articles rather than ads. (Source: Content Plus) Understand the customer need and create content around the need to provide solution. The aim of the content is not selling but attracting the crowd with your solution to his problems.
Content Release
Content publishing should be regular and often. Experts recommend three content for a week, but I suggest content per day for beginners as they have numerous view points for solutions. Marketers with more than 15 blog posts per month average 1,200 new leads per month. (Hubspot) 
Great content produces exponential results and could win number of followers and readers for you but do not wait for a month to produce content for your readers. There are chances that content may not be well received all the time. Rebuilding or reorganizing the thoughts in a different context and publish the same content is also possible. The more content you publish, the more people are attracted and followed.
Content creation should be treated as your product to be sold in the market. Blog is the integral part of your strategy, now the content needs to be marketed to the targeted class. For example Tumblr attracts a younger/Millennial audience.  56% of Tumblr visitors are under 34 ( Mark Coatney Tumblr). 83% of Pinterest users are females between 18 and 34. 63% of Google+ users are men, who tend to post about technology. Two of the biggest user groups on Google+ are college students and software developers ( Capture hits marketing group). Understand the customer’s Four Square and use the social media tools to attack the pockets.
Apart from the Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter, Slideshare is one of the major social media I recommend for any business.  Although time consuming compared to the blog, innovative pictorial brilliance will make your presentation featured in their home page which will attract thousands of viewers and followers to your brand at free of cost.
Fitting content to targeted social media
As we develop content we can restructure the same content and apply to other social media. For example: a blog’s idea can be reproduced in Wordpress and blogger, can restructure to include photographs, attractive fonts, color schemes to use for, summarize the content to publish it in Tumblr, collate the whole idea in Pinterest to make it an image and an interesting infographics to produce it to Facebook and Linkedin.
Community building
As we discussed the various platforms of social media, every time we produce content we are adding followers to our site. The growing community is the asset of any social media marketing success. Engaging the community and taking the feedback is very crucial for you to grow them even more.
Content is to be treated as a seed of a tree and all the activities are initiated from the seed. Yes, content is the key for your brand success.

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